"Umaga's Son Aims to Break Free: Zilla Fatu Strives to Leave Parole Behind and Wrestle His Way to Stardom!"

Buzz Feedz:“Omaga’s Son Zilla Fatu Hopes to Get Out of Parole This Year and Begin Professional Wrestling Training” looks at the aspirations of Zilla Fatu, the son of the late WWE wrestler Omaga, to begin his own professional wrestling journey. According to the article, Zilla Fito is currently on probation, but hopes to complete his …

"Astronauts' Cosmic Conundrum: Praying Towards Mecca in Space Unveiled!"

Buzz Feedz: “Praying Towards Mecca in Outer Space” discusses the challenges that Muslim astronauts face when it comes to performing their religious duties, especially in space. Praying towards the holy city of Mecca while living. The author highlights the experiences of Muslim astronauts who have tackled this problem and the innovative solutions they have devised. …

"Hyperloop Revolution: Dubai to Abu Dhabi Travel Time Slashed to Only 12 Minutes!"

  Buzz Feedz:” Hyperloop Technology to Cut Travel Time Between Dubai and Abu Dhabi by 12 Minutes” looks at the potential of Hyperloop technology to revolutionize transportation between the cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. According to the author, this modern mode of transportation can significantly reduce travel time, making the journey between the two …

"Pakistan's Economic Alarm: Foreign Exchange Reserves Plummet to $4.09 Billion, Threatening Rupee and Stability!"

 Buzz Feedz: “Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves fall to $4.09 billion” analyzes the decline in Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves. According to the author, domestic reserves have declined to $4.09 billion, a significant decline from previous levels. The article highlights the possible implications of this decline in foreign exchange reserves on Pakistan’s economy. They note that a …

"Elon Musk's Bold Prediction Comes True: Tesla Shatters Records as World's Best-Selling Car!"

Buzz Feedz: “Elon Musk’s Prediction Goes Well for Tesla: It’s the World’s Best-Selling Car” looks at Elon Musk’s prediction about Tesla’s success and how it came true. The author notes that Elon Musk previously claimed that Tesla would become the world’s best-selling car company, and recent data suggests that this prediction has come true. According …

Elon Musk's $44 Billion Investment to Buy Twitter is Now Worth $8.8 Billion Only

Buzz Feedz: In a high-profile acquisition, Elon Musk made headlines in 2022 when he bought Twitter for a whopping $44 billion. However, since Musk took over, the social media giant has faced financial challenges and the purchase price appears to be much higher than its original value. Bloomberg reports, citing financial firm Fidelity, that Twitter’s …

"Emotional Reunion: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Finally Meets Sister After 20-Year Separation!"

Buzz Feedz” Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Meets Her Sister After 20 Years” Reports on a highly anticipated meeting between Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and her sister after a two-decade long separation. Pakistani neuroscientist Dr. Aafia Siddiqui has been imprisoned in the United States since 2003 on charges of attempted murder and assault. According to the article, this …

Surah Rahman Recited During Inauguration of India’s New Parliament

  Buzz Feedz: “Surah Rahman Decided During Inauguration of India’s New Parliament” discusses the decision made to recite Surah Rahman, a chapter of the Qur’an, in the Legislative House during the inauguration of India’s new Parliament. According to the article, it was decided to include the recitation of Surah Rahman as a standard practice during the …